Blasberg Studio & Cabal Collective
The internet has revolutionised the way we communicate. Millions of messages are exchanged in this very moment. As easy as it has become to talk to someone, it has become impersonal. We detach the human that is behind the icon from themselves. They become a thing.
Dating apps like Tinder or Grindr fail on a grand scale due to this very reason. Online dating services promote a “relationshop” rather than relationship, leading to a society resting on the early pillars of alienation and isolation.
Artist Lukas Blasberg took real life Tinder, Grindr etc. conversations and created products that depict each dilemma, he encountered. From fetishes to sexual objectification – every product carries a personal story that can be read by holding your QR-code scanner against it.
My work included:
- developing a unique and rather provocative PR and marketing strategy, which included running a campaign across the different dating platforms
- liasing with interested “customers”

press release